2nd Free CySEC Advanced mock exam has been released
We are happy to announce the release of our 2nd
free CySEC Advanced mock examination! Due to popular demand, we have once again
collaborated with SALVUS Funds, a
boutique advisory in Europe, to publish another free set of CySEC Advanced exam
questions. Our second release includes questions from varying chapters within
the CySEC
Advanced syllabus; find the free mock here.
Since publishing our 1st set of free CySEC
Advanced questions, we received positive feedback from our community of
professionals so our team at IforPE decided to release another. At the
Institute, we offer a premium educational experience via our platform that has
been uniquely designed for professionals. Further, IforPE only collaborates
with actual practitioners who are experts in their fields to develop the most
comprehensive and robust courses on the market. Hence, our motto –
professionals for professionals.
Moreover, the CySEC Advanced certification examination
covers the regulatory framework within Cyprus and expands into significant legislation
instilled by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in the EU. The
Advanced certification is one of CySEC’s three certifications available. The CySEC
Basic and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) certifications are the other two. All of
CySEC’s certifications are geared towards financial and investment services
professionals working in and around the various investment firms, investment
funds, Electronic Money Institutions (EMI) and Crypto-Asset Services Providers
(CASP) established on the island of Cyprus.
On many occasions, CySEC requires professionals operating in
Cyprus Investment Firms (CIF) and other entities listed above to hold the
Advanced, Basic or AML certification which qualifies them as Certified Persons
in the CySEC Public Register. This ensures a high level of competence within
the industry and the protection of investors’ capital.
Find our most complete CySEC Advanced, Basic and AML live-online
and self-study courses below:
- CySEC Advanced (live-online – next workshop in February 2022)
- CySEC Advanced (self-study course)
- CySEC Basic (self-study course)
- CySEC AML (self-study course)
If you have any questions about how to register for our courses or for any CySEC certification, please contact us - we would love to help.
From all of us at IforPE, the Institute for Professional
Ancora Imparo
The Institute for Professional Excellence is protected under a registered European trade mark. The figurative trade mark registration number is 018854840. This trade mark is protected under the European Union's legislation.