Evdokia Pitsillidou, CAA

About Evdokia
Evdokia is the Risk & Compliance Director and a Partner at SALVUS Funds, a boutique advisory in Europe.

With over 10 years of experience in the investment services sector and having led multiple departments at one of the largest online CFD brokerages, Evdokia has established herself as an expert in MiFID II, AML, PSD2, and AIFMD compliance.

Since joining SALVUS Funds in 2019, she has been channeling her CySEC expertise, and further pursuing her passion to educate investment services professionals,  delivering multiple courses on the CySEC regulatory framework, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) among other subjects, using her unique set of skills and experience.
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about Evdokia's courses

The Most Complete™ CySEC certification preparation courses

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is the national regulatory authority responsible for supervising all investment services carried out in and from Cyprus. Further, to help strengthen its regulatory role, CySEC offers three examinations geared toward professionals working at Cyprus Investment Firms (CIF) and other regulated entities. The three examinations CySEC currently offers are the:

  • CySEC Advanced certification
  • CySEC Basic certification 
  • CySEC Anti-Money Laundering (AML) certification

The CySEC Advanced, Basic, and AML certifications cover key national and European regulatory frameworks. Additionally, the purpose of these certifications are to instill professionals working at CySEC regulated entities the necessary skills and knowledge required to fulfill their duties and responsibilities with competence.

The Most Complete™ CySEC certification preparation courses
have been developed by SALVUS Funds and delivered by Evdokia to successfully prepare investment services professionals to obtain any CySEC certification examination.

Candidates successfully passing a CySEC exam become a Certified Person in the CySEC Public Register and are qualified to provide a range of professional, financial, and investment services to retail clients, affiliate businesses, and more. Becoming a CySEC Certified Person will also help improve job performance and help progress a professional's career.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses

Like most professional associations around the world, CySEC requires a Certified Person to complete a certain number of CPD units per year. Any Certified Person in the CySEC Public Register that does not oblige with the minimum annual CPD requirements, risks the validity of their certification. Hence, without a valid CySEC certification, a professional may not be able to uphold their position at a Cyprus Investment Firm or another CySEC regulated entity.

Professionals at CySEC regulated entities who complete CPD courses on an annual basis ensure they remain up to date with the latest regulatory changes.

To help CySEC certified professionals meet their annual CPD requirements, Evdokia and the Education team at SALVUS Funds, designs comprehensive self-study courses addressing the latest developments within the Cypriot and European regulatory landscape. All of Evdokia's CPD courses are delivered in a self-study format ideal for self-paced learning suited for professionals to study at their own time and pace. 

what learners say about Evdokia

I read the workbook but it wasn't until Evdokia's explanations did I understand the subject matter. The slides helpfully condense the material, focusing on what you need to know. I found the ability to rewatch the videos of the presentations an effective learning tool.
I have succeeded in the CySEC Advanced exams achieving a score 99/100. Special thanks to the instructor Evdokia! SALVUS course constitutes excellent material for the CySEC Advanced preparation and success! Evdokia is a great teacher and expert in the field, and she provides practical examples to understand better the main concepts! This is a highly recommended course!
The content of this course is very thorough and equips Compliance professionals with the solid knowledge on the subject matter. Evdokia is great at presenting this very interested topic.

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