The Most Complete™ set of 4 CySEC Advanced mock exams

Prepare yourself before the CySEC Advanced Certification exam by taking these  4  mock exams. Each timed exam includes 70 questions, a total of 280 questions, which simulate the content and style of the questions in the actual CySEC exam.
Prepared by



November 2024


280 questions included



Price includes VAT

course contents

your instructor

Evdokia Pitsillidou

Director of Risk & Compliance at SALVUS Funds

Evdokia, a partner at SALVUS Funds, is actively advising and working on all matters related to licensing, regulatory compliance, and internal audit for investment firms, funds, Electronic Money Institutions (EMI) & Crypto-Asset Services Providers (CASP).

  • Member of the Global Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • Member of the Cyprus Investment Funds Association (CIFA)
  • Certified Actuarial Analyst (CAA)
  • CySEC Advanced Certified Person
  • CySEC certified Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (AMLCO)
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